The Bulletin

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Hiatus Announcement

Hey everyone. First, I’d like to apologize for the silence over the past few weeks. It truly pains me to say this, but effective immediately, The Bulletin will be on hiatus in perpetuity. Details regarding the blog’s return will be shared as soon as they become available.

I launched The Bulletin (Black Boy Bulletin for the OGs haha) nearly six years ago, and it has been one of the most important parts of my life since my very first post commemorating Prince's impact on my life. Over the past six years, you have allowed me to grow at my own pace, make countless mistakes and get back up, and work on my craft in front of a loving but always critical audience.

Without all of my subscribers, casual readers, and even those who accidentally clicked on a link, there is simply no me. The moves I’ve been blessed to make in my career are thanks, in no small part, to all of your love and support over these past few years. I do not have the words to properly express my thanks and how grateful I am to each and every one of you.

To the artists who believed in my platform and trusted me to share their stories, thank you. To the younger writers and peers of mine who routinely volunteered to write articles and essays for the site and trusted me as an editor, thank you. To my older entertainment journalism colleagues who continue to give me indelible advice and words of support, thank you.

The Bulletin will be back and you all will be the first to know when it officially returns. I will be changing the handle of this account to @WrittenByKyle on Twitter, while @onthebulletin will replace the handle for the blog’s backup account. The website will remain live for the time being, and all previous posts will still be available for your reading pleasure.

Thank you for six incredible years and stay tuned for the comeback.